CSR Activities during the Pandemic

People360 believes that CSR is an integral part of the company. With a CSR Policy in place, the company has been actively participating and initiating socially responsible activities for years. For this year particularly, as operations, like most businesses have been disrupted because of the pandemic, People360 still managed to push thru with its CSR activities. A series of COVID-19 awareness campaign has been conducted for the staff and the community even before the declaration of a pandemic. Donations of cash and in kind were distributed in and around the People360 community. Washable masks and face shields were distributed, including health centers, the community barangay, community vendors, and even other nearby communities. People360 also helped the barangay setup Sanitation Tents for the front liners of the community. Info flyers and tarps were also given to the barangay and other communities, addressing the need for the continuous dissemination of information about the virus.