People360 and its People: People360 Bike Assistance Program

People360 has given, among financial and other assistance needed by its people during the Covid-19 crisis, transportation assistance as well. Aside from the shuttle services arranged, People360 has seen the need for bike transportation for other employees able to do so. The management first gave out a survey to its people to know their preferences and concerns on the P360 Bike Assistance Program (P360 BAP). People360 then provided the bikes, initially paid by the company then on an installment basis for those who availed of the program. People360 equipped them with Helmets, reflectorized sashes, bike locks, and lights for free, for the overall safety of the people.

People360’s foremost concern is the welfare of its people. With concerns still high on the rising Covid-19 cases, the use of the bikes is encouraged by the company to limit people’s exposure to the virus and curb their worries on their daily commute. This also encourages them to take the healthier route.