People360 CSR in San Antonio

People360 employees shared their time to help the victims of the recent fire that broke out in Barangay San Antonio, QC.  As early as 6 a.m., the good-hearted staff prepared breakfast for the almost 200 people affected by the fire that raged the barangay last March 5.

The community church, the Parish of the Crucified Lord Council, led by Bishop Salvador “Buddy” Ballesteros also donated clothes for the affected, which the People360 staff happily distributed to the grateful beneficiaries.

People360 is not all about work and the successes that it reaps. One of People360’s core values is “Care for People”—treating associates as family. And people360 believes in giving back to the community as a family in times of need, much as how People360 believes in taking care of workers’ health and safety.

As the famous Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, “The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own.”