People360 in “Bida ang Handa” earthquake drill

People360 joins the country in its nationwide simultaneous earthquake drill this November 14, at 9 a.m. With the hashtag “Bida ang Handa”, it kicked off at a time while most are at work, at  school or busy in their daily activities. Everyone, even the participants from our COSH training at OSHMS360 training room participated in the drill.

People360 believes greatly in the importance of these drills. As the hashtag goes, each one should be prepared in the event of such disasters. Everyone is not spared from calamities, especially from the Big One that might hit the metropolis and parts of the Philippines which is categorized as very destructive, resulting to fatalities, damages and economic loss.

Having presence of mind, knowing what to do and “DUCK, COVER and HOLD” practice can protect oneself and prevent casualties.