10 Safety Tips for the family during "Habagat" season

1. Watch for weather updates on TV, radio, and social media. If you have internet access, follow relevant social media pages for quick updates on weather conditions, flooded areas, and possible dangers.

2. Evacuate as soon as the signal is given or as soon as you sense danger. In times of disaster and danger, your family’s lives are more valuable than material possessions.

3. Know if your neighbourhood is at risk during calamities. Research maps and information on websites of PAGASA or Project Noah, which uses mapping and data to help you know if your home is at risk for flooding, landslides, storm surges, or earthquakes and you can prepare accordingly.

4. As the rainy season approaches, ensure your home can withstand the elements to avoid unnecessary dangers. Repair roofs and walls as needed and make sure you don’t have any lose wires and other hazardous materials.

5. Plan ahead with your family. According NDRRMC spokesperson Edgar Posadas, planning ahead is key to your family’s safety.

6. Prepare an emergency Go-Bag. Fill this with enough food and water for the whole family for three days.

7. Prepare extra medicines and supplies for family members with illness or special needs. Have an extra set on the ready and include this in your Go-Bag.

8. When on the road and caught in a flood, don’t insist on driving. Find alternate routes or pull over to a safe spot until the water levels go down or rain fall subsides.

9. Slow down while driving in heavy rains. Wet roads lessen friction between your tires and the road, which can cause you to lose control of your car.

10. When in need of help, call the corresponding government agencies that can lend assistance, call the national emergency hotline at 9-1-1, or use hashtag #RescuePH

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-ph/entertainment/celebrity/check-out-these-10-safety-tips-for-the- family-during-%E2%80%98habagat%E2%80%99-season/ar-BBMjU95?li=BBr8Mkn