August is National Lung Month in the Philippines

The month of August was declared as National Lung Month in the Philippines through the Presidential Proclamation No. 1761 signed by former President Ferdinand Marcos on July 24, 1978.

Our lungs are indeed very important and it is susceptible to many diseases. Luckily for us, these illnesses and ailments are quite easy to avoid! We just need to adopt a healthy lifestyle!

In celebration of National Lung Month, here’s a helpful guide that will help each and every one of us take care of our lungs!

Beware of these common respiratory illnesses:

Allergies – This condition is one of the most chronic problems world-wide. Allergies occur when the immune system mistakes a common substance as an invader. The system overreacts and releases histamines, which cause the allergic reaction. These reactions often affect the nose, lungs, throat and sinuses.

Asthma –this chronic respiratory condition is caused by consistent inflammation of the airways. The symptoms include lung spasm with wheezing and shortness of breath. This respiratory condition often begins in childhood, first signs of symptoms should be treated immediately, otherwise it can worsen or in some cases, it can be fatal. There is no cure for asthma but there are medications that make it more manageable.

Bronchitis – The respiratory disease of bronchitis is divided into chronic and acute bronchitis. The mucous membrane in the bronchial passage which causes swelling that shuts off the airways in the lungs. Both acute and chronic bronchitis require consistent medical treatment.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) – It is a progressive lung disease, which makes it difficult for people to breathe properly. If not addresses early, COPD symptoms may get worse, leading to increased burden and even death for patients. It is actually one of the 10 leading causes of death in the Philippines with a prevalence rate of 14% among Filipino adults aged 40 and above.

Cystic Fibrosis – This genetic respiratory disease is caused by a defective gene that creates thick and sticky mucus. This mucus caused repeated, and dangerous, lung infections as well as obstructions in the pancreas that prevent important enzymes from breaking down nutrients for the body.

Emphysema – According to the American Lung Association, this serious respiratory disease is another form of COPD. Those who suffer from emphysema have trouble exhaling air from their lungs. Emphysema evolves slowly over the years and there is no cure; however, those who quit smoking are more likely to see the disease/progression slow.

Lung Cancer – Lung Cancer is the usually the leading cause of death for men and women. This disease is hard to detect since it develops in the main part of the lungs near the sacs. DNA mutations in the lungs cause irregular cells to multiply and create an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, or a tumor. These tumors interfere with the regular functions of the lungs. Symptoms can take years to appear, but include things like chronic coughing, changes in voice, harsh breathing sounds, coughing up blood and many others.

Pneumonia- This lung disease is caused by an infection in the air sacs in the lungs. The infections can be caused by bacteria, a virus or fungi. Symptoms, which include cough, fever, shaking chills and shortness of breath, can range from mild severe.

To prevent these lung diseases

  1. Do not smoke! If you are already a smoker, find a way to stop it and prevent yourself from getting high-risk lung diseases. If you’re just an occasional smoker or a non-smoker at all, better not to try again.
  2. Avoid second-hand smoke! Avoid places where toxic smoke from cigarettes is present. Even the non-smokers are at risk of acquiring lung diseases, especially if they were exposed to smoke every day.
  3. Protect yourself from carcinogen and dust- wear a face mask if your job requires you to be near or be exposed to chemicals and dusty environment.
  4. Prevention is better than cure:
-Wash your hands often with clean water and soap. If there’s no available soap and water, alcohol-based sanitizers and cleaners are good substitute.

-Avoid crowded places especially during the rainy season to prevent yourself from getting cough, colds and flu.

-Good oral hygiene is a must! Brush and floss your teeth after every meal, or at least twice a day. Make it a habit to visit your dentist regularly.

  1. Exercise – Aerobic exercise helps improve your lung capacity. Specific breathing exercises can also help improve your lung function. Exercise and breathing techniques are also great for improving your mood and helping you relax.

