Safety On The Road 101

We are once again, approaching Holy Week, and already local governments and agencies are gearing up for one of the most travelled holidays of the year. In fact, I was alerted to this urgency when we were told that we can already pay our toll upon entry and not upon exiting a toll plaza, which is usually the case. Before I dwell on some road-trip reminders, however, allow me to share some data first.

As of 2013, Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) disclosed how there was at least one fatal accident per day in the metropolis alone. The previous year, 2014, have 281 fatal road accidents recorded from January to October. Once again, we are horrified with these figures, and I cannot imagine the devastation of the families of the persons who were injured or killed. Which is why let us all be reminded again of the top causes of road accidents and what we can do to avoid them.

Foremost is driving under the influence or DUI. I really am hoping that in the nearest future, we could all be like our American counterparts where police officers are able to test and apprehend those who are driving drunk or under the influence of drugs. When caught, they are sentenced either with fines or forced to render community service. I heard that a new law has been passed in our country allowing the use of breathalizers to document drunk driving here. Alas, implementation has been stalled due to budget constraints for the purchase of said equipment. Since it's not happening any time soon, let us practice and promote defensive driving by ourselves and among  our families and friends. Let us emphasize that drunk (or drugged) driving can slow down our driving reflexes and mess with our thinking which can lead to possible road accidents.

Second is overspeeding / overtaking. We cannot all be F1 drivers, and our roads are not built as a race course, so if you ever feel the need to speed up, or overtake, think twice before stepping up on the accelerator. A simple miscalculation on others' driving maneuvers can be fatal especially when you're speeding up.

Third most common cause are said to be defective brakes / mechanical malfunctions. Check your brakes before you leave, and make sure your car is regularly checked for defects. The really experienced drivers say that they can "feel" if there's something wrong with their vehicles. In case you're one of the expert ones, go with your gut. If you feel it, have a look at it. Otherwise, have a maintenance check-up every once in a while.

A  lot of drivers are guilty of texting / calling while driving. Now this is a 21st century dilemma. I promote bluetooth headsets for those who really expect a call while on the road; otherwise, leave your phone ringing while your hands are busy on the wheel. It's better to apologize later for not answering, than to not be able to apologize anymore. Or better yet, educate your significant others the estimated hours when you are on the road and that only in urgent cases should they text or call. Also, if you can not answer immediately, then you are still driving.

Road Rage. Tale as old as time with a few people going to prison due to this. Road rage is not something we can cure with anger management classes afterwards, for at the heat of the moment, someone's anger can mean someone's death. So let us all keep calm and do our best to leave our issues behind, or at least, while on the road. Remember that keeping a level head even at the most intense of situations can save our own lives.

I guess that's about it, and I really hope that we would all aim to be defensive drivers from now on.

Have a safe trip, everyone!