DTI Issues Tips for Safe Celebration of the Holidays

By S. S. Suarez

Here’s a timeless list of reminders for a timely yearly celebration which is worth sharing for the promotion of one's safety, sound environment and good health. Thanks to Leo Quinto, HSES officer of a Filipino shipping company in Kalaw for sharing this information from the Philippine News Agency.

Time and again, authorities have issued safety reminders and being responsible in celebrating the holidays. However, experience has it that in the midst of the revelry and merrymaking, many people disregard these that result in harming themselves or others in the process.

Regional Director Nazrullah B. Manzur of the Department of Trade and Industry issued the following tips as a reminder to all and sundry of the many small things we can do to ensure a safe, healthy and responsible merrymaking during the holidays. As the old saying goes, “Better a thousand times careful than once dead.”

1. To prevent accidental fire or electrocution, patronize only safe and reliable Christmas lights. These products, reminds the Department of Trade and Industry, should bear the imported commodity clearance (ICC) mark sticker as an assurance for quality and safety. Also try to save on electricity by turning the lights off at daytime and before you sleep at night.

2. Never use lighted candles to decorate a tree or near flammable materials.

3. Buy or make and toot your own horn rather than expose yourself and loved ones to firecracker-related injuries. This is the safest and most economical way to noisemaking which has become a Filipino tradition during the holiday celebrations.

4. Be discriminating in the kind of toys you buy as gifts to your children and inaanaks. Many of the plastic toys flooding the market today have toxic levels of lead and cadmium and did not pass through the certificate of conformity procedures of the Department of Health.

5. Use earth-friendly indigenous materials or native products for your decorations. Recycling decorations used in previous celebrations is another good way to save on cost while helping the environment

“Though Christmas is officially still several days away, there’s no denying that the spirit of the season has arrived. Let us all help make this Christmas safe, healthy and environmentally sound,” Manzur said.