Recognizing Safe Behaviors on the Battlefield

By S. S. Suarez

This is true. Although “Safety First” is a common slogan in every workplace, in reality, it remains just a slogan for some companies.

There is a research in Canada that workers suffer from form of psychological distress.  This distress is related to worker’s lack of recognition after an unmanageable workload.  Although most management promote and support safety programs, operations supervisors and managers convey a different message when they pressure production people to meet deadlines.  And this kind of work pressure sends a different signal to the workers - that when production output is more important, safety would have to be the less priority.

Due to pressing deadlines and target, managers and supervisors tend to forget to recognize their staff and people.  In a study by the Chair of workplace health and safety management, Laval University in 2005, the need of employees to be recognized for their efforts is now greater than ever.

Workplace recognition is about demonstrating that an employee’s efforts are recognized at their just value. According to the study, “It’s about making employees feel appreciated by their co-workers and superiors for their contributions to the company. When showing recognition becomes a normal part of the working environment, everyone wins. Workplace recognition promotes good mental health by helping employees build self-worth, giving meaning to their work and enhancing their self-esteem, motivation and job satisfaction.”

The study further listed down ways to show workplace recognition:

1. Greet your co-workers, and make the effort to say thank you. - Publicly praise a co-worker’s or employee’s creativity, perseverance or other attribute (in a meeting, for example).

2. Celebrate the completion of a project or a particularly intense period with a social activity or sporting event.

3. Write a note of thanks to a co-worker or employee for a job well done or special contribution to a project.

4. Ask superiors or co-workers for their professional opinions.

5. Share information and provide opportunities for other employees to express their opinions, and offer support.

6. Help a co-worker who is overworked or going through a difficult time.

7. Being considerate of co-workers’ feelings and highlighting individual and collective achievements

Don’t delay the recognition process.  Recognize safe behaviors right on the “battlefield” where real action happens.  This could be the shopfloor, the aseembly line or the production area.  It has more impact if recognition or incentive is done immediately.  Don’t wait for the annual Christmas party to recognize the employees.  Remember that justice delayed is justice denied.