Safety and Security Reminders for the Long Weekends

By S. S. Suarez

The season of long holidays in the Philippines has now begun.  In fact, the Philippines is known around the globe to celebrate the longest Christmas season.

For most Filipinos, the vacation started with the October 25, 2012 Eid’l Adha celebration. Eid’l Adha is the Feast of Sacrifice celebrated by Muslims around the world.  It fell on a Friday resulting to a long weekend.  On November 1 and 2, Filipinos will mark the All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day celebration which fall on a Thursday and Friday resulting to a longer weekend.

In connection with the successive long weekends and holidays, I’d like to share some reminders shared to me by my friend Leo Quinto, the Safety and Security Officer of a leading shipping company in the Philippines.

Here’s his full advisory for the long weekends:

“While we go in the midst of all the holidays' activities and long weekends preparations, let us be reminded of our personal safety and security at all times. If there is no need for us to be out in the streets or malls during the long weekend period let us just stay at home. If there is no necessity for us to stay out of the house late at night, let us try to be in the house before night fall.

Everyday, every hour, every minute, every second lawless groups are out just waiting for an opportunity to carry out their criminal acts. Groupings of these elements are everywhere obviously waiting for the right time to strike. Let us avoid falling prey or victims to these groups. These groups do not select the place and time to strike. Crimes could happen indoors or outdoors and to anyone.

Here are some measures worth doing and practicing:

1. Be sure to keep away from visibility any valuable, precious and important items which would be left unattended. Proper safekeeping would be a healthy practice whether in the office or at home.

2. When walking in the streets avoid wearing and using high-value and flashy items like jewelries, walkmans, i-pods, branded sunglasses, cellular phones, gameboys, signature caps, mp3s & mp4s, music players, handy & portable psps and similar items.

3. When carrying bags in public, be sure to place them infront of you at any given instance.

4. If it is unavoidable to carry bulging wallets and purses, be sure to keep them from public view.

5. When driving a vehicle or riding one always see to it that all doors and windows are locked and closed.

6. Avoid using cellular phones and other costly electronic gadgets in public. Criminals have one thousand and one ways to get any valuable item from you.

7. Avoid crowded areas were you can get squeezed and be victimized by pickpockets.

8. Have a handy and ready emergency numbers incase of any eventuality.

9. Never bring big amount of cash in public if it is not needed.

10. When leaving the house or the office, be sure that door locks work as intended.

11. Use reliable lock sets and locking system for your doors. Check all doors and windows if you have secured it all before leaving the house or the office.

Aside from the above-mentioned, a sure way to protect oneself from being victimized is to be vigilant always.”