ISO Standards: People360’s Commitment to customer satisfaction, environmental protection, and workers’ health & safety

ISO, derived from the Greek "isos" meaning equal, is the International Organization for Standardization since 1947-- an independent international organization based in Switzerland, with a membership of 167 national standards bodies. It is a global network that brings together experts from all over the world to develop International Standards.

But what is the importance of ISO in a business?

According to the 2017 ISO Survey, over 1.5 million businesses have some form of certification (only the 10 most sought-after certifications were considered). ISO 9001 was chosen by two-thirds of the respondents. Why do businesses go to such lengths to obtain certification?

According to ExcellenceBlog, there are 8 reasons why a company or a certain business deeply dive into ISO certifications.

1. Standardization - The following are the goals of standardization to simplify production in various industries; ensure the consistency and safety of the product and encourage global cooperation and compatibility.

Standardization provides undeniable technological, economic, and social benefits to businesses in general.

2. Safety customer requirements - This may be a risky reason but many businesses seek ISO certification simply to meet a customer requirement. In other cases, the customer expressly states that they will only do business with certified suppliers. Yes, a company must satisfactorily meet the needs of the customers, but concentrating solely on this benefit and the company’s immediate gain without truly putting the customer first may end up costing much more in the long run.

3. Improve the quality of processes and products - Even if the certification is not ISO 9001, the adoption of a standardized method in accordance with ISO certification is all about quality. An ISO certification results in a higher level of quality for the entire organization, as well as for each process and product. There are many definitions of "quality," but two of the best are provided by Philip Crosby and Joseph Juran: Crosby defines it as "compliance with requirements," and Juran defines it as "fit for use." A well-designed and effectively implemented management system will put the company on the road to quality.

4. Describe, understand, and communicate your company’s processes - ISO requires a company to use business metrics to identify and describe the business processes. The goal is to improve the management and control of business processes. These objectives are at the heart of the company’s system. Metrics are used to understand and communicate the performance of the system in relation to the goals.

5. Improve the consistency of operations - The best definition of consistency is reducing variation in the processes. The customer will be best served if the company provides a consistent product with the same dimensions, weight, tolerances, and output. Of course, clients will not accept the variation, and neither should the company. So, how do a company minimize variation? By gaining more control over the processes. Control stems from a clear goal: to collect data about a process and understand how to adjust the process to maintain consistent output. These tasks are aided by ISO requirements.

6. Improve efficiency, reduce waste, and save money - An ISO management system is not perfect, but a well-executed system allows the company to get close. As the process improves, it becomes more consistent, and the company would be able to fulfill goals on a more consistent basis, resulting in measurable results. This will also eliminate waste from unnecessary processes. Waste is the result of poor quality and inefficiency, and it represents squandered funds. Inefficiency is caused by inconsistent and variable processes. Reduce these variations and improve consistency to save money and reduce waste.

7. Facilitate collaboration in business - The fact that ISO is widely accepted on a global scale facilitates the realization of collaborative business, research, and product development. Standardization enables the company to conduct international business with the confidence that a product or input used in its process is compatible and invariable.

8. Gain international recognition - Having discussed ISO credibility at the beginning of this article, obtaining ISO certification places the company in an elite group. Everyone is aware that an organization's image is a critical factor in business.

There are numerous advantages to obtaining ISO certification. However, no matter how clear and obvious the benefits are, when a company insists on obtaining certification solely for market pressures, these advantages are easily undermined. The process, which was intended to renovate the company, has proven to be a burden.

However, concentrate on the goals, plan, use a good management system to help, and reap the benefits of the certification that is believed to be most beneficial to the company.

With People360's pursuit of excellence and commitment to deliver only the best service to its partners in safety, the company has deemed it necessary to attain these standards. Through stringent audit requirements by the Certification International Phils., Inc., People360 has successfully acquired these ISO certifications, namely:

1. ISO 9001:2015 - sets out the criteria for a quality management system, constant improvement of products and services, and consistently meet customer's expectations
2. ISO 14001:2015 - for companies and organizations that require practical tools to manage their environmental responsibilities
3. ISO 45001:2018 - for organizations that are serious about improving employee safety, reducing workplace risks, and creating better working conditions

People360 is the ONLY safety organization in the country that has acquired its Quality, Environment, and Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems with the Integrated Management System certification.

Safety is a necessity, and it cannot be compromised. Choose only the best. Choose People360.
Choose SAFETY, choose PEOPLE360.

Schroeder, T. (2019, August 19). 8 reasons why your company should have ISO certification. SoftExpert Excellence Blog. Retrieved September 15, 2022, from