Why Choose People360?

Think of any company that has lost “face” and precious money with accidents that have caused serious injuries if not deaths, to its workers. It is the face of an organization that has realized too late, that safety improves business outcomes. Their fear of additional money and time spent on safety measures has led to much time lost, injured employees, and loss of morale. Then and only then do they realize that it is better to spend a small amount on these two for preventative care than a large amount for an emergency and PR disaster!

It is for this reason that the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Law of 2018 or RA11058 has given the onus to employers, the bulk of responsibilities to ensure occupational safety and health in their respective workplaces. We would cite the first four of the nine duties and responsibilities (Chapter III, Sec. 4, DO. 198-18) because of their wide-ranging implications. To wit, employers must:

1) Equip a place of employment for workers free from hazardous conditions;
2) Provide complete job safety instructions and proper orientation to all workers;
3) Ensure that the chemical, physical and biological substances and agents, under their control are without risk to health when appropriate measures are taken;
4) Use only approved specific industry standards of devices and equipment for the workplace.

An organization can not do these responsibilities all on its own. It needs a credible organization that has the necessary expertise and credentials to assist it. Better yet if the organization can provide the majority of these services with the most up-to-date equipment and resources including that information technology.

With five accreditations from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), namely Heavy Equipment Testing & Certification, Safety Consultancy, Safety Training, Work Environment Measurement, and Industrial Hygiene Laboratory-- People360 not only gives you a full range of safety services but delivers quality and commendable service.

Its testing of equipment services, along with the conduct of WEM and its IH laboratory can help organizations comply with items 1, 3, and 4 of the duties of employers. Its training activities help them attain item 2. In addition, it has purchased its many equipment only from reputable suppliers, both here and abroad. Calibration is regularly done to ensure accurate readings from its equipment. It calls on a corps of local and international OSH professionals honed in various OSH matters.

Furthermore, it is the only safety organization in the country that has acquired its Quality, Environment, and Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems with the Integrated Management System certification. The company's awards and acknowledgments from national and international award-giving bodies (PQC or Philippine Quality Challenge from DTI,  Gawad Kalasag from NDRRMC, LEEA, and AIHA which are international organizations that provide not only local OSH standards but Global standards as well) not only speak of the company's achievements but also proves that People360's passion to serve YOU only the best has been there since day 1.

This, along with the company's concern not only for the workers' welfare but their families and the community as well, has been the company's Vision – Safety for Every Juan.

So choose People360, YOUR partner in safety. Because People360 Is Safety.
Remember, "Basta Safety, People360!"