Beware of Street Crimes

By S. S. Suarez

The following stories did actually happen recently. A lot of these petty crimes occur during the holidays where everyone is caught in the hustle and bustle of the season. My friend Leo Quinto, Safety and Security Officer of a leading maritime company, gladly shared with me the incident of street crimes that victimized his office colleagues.

“Mga Batang Hamog”

These are street children “high” on contact cement or rugby.  “Batang Hamog”, translated into the rather poetic term “children of the mist”, prey on motorists especially the unsuspecting taxi and jeepney passengers.

Here’s an actual story involving them: “Good Day! This is just to inform you of a snatching/grabbing incident, I myself a victim and sharing this experience may help others to be careful especially on that place- CORNER P. BURGOS AT THE END PART OF RIZAL PARK.  First incident was last March 9 while I was inside a jeepney. Traffic was on halt and I saw this boy aged around 16 to 18 and a bit dirty who simply walked along the side of the jeep where I was seated. He quickly grabbed my earring as he walked passed through me. Thank GOD nothing happened to my ear and earring.

I was I able to witness again on the same venue how these two teenagers grabbed a cellphone from a passenger and how simply they just walked away without remorse. And again yesterday April 16, while on my own fate not learning the previous experience, I was again a victim with the same teenagers whom already very familiar to me , its good I am saved that when the other one almost grabbed my ear it was then also that I picked up my fallen coin. But still the same I was trembling with fear. Hope this is also a lesson to everyone -- REMOVE YOUR JEWELRIES WHEN GOING HOME OR LEAVE YOUR JEWELRIES AT HOME!”

“The Taxi Trap”

“By the way, I would also like to share... please be conscious when taking taxis. Before you close the door, be sure to check the handle for opening the door (from within). One of my corporate clients experienced riding a taxi last weekend wherein he didn't notice that there is no handle. He can no longer get out of the taxi. He was robbed and was injured in the process while struggling from the taxi driver.”

“A Holiday Burglary”

During the recent holidays, an employee residence was intruded by a burglar. This happened during an unholy hour of the morning. The female employee heard a noise from one of the rooms thinking that her husband already arrived. Nonetheless, she decided to check the other room. To her surprise, she saw an a different and an unfamiliar face. Stunned and speechless, she came face to face with the burglar. The burglar tried to escape by moving sideways for an eventual exit. But the employees tried to intercept his escape. Realizing that she needed help, she shouted for help. It was then that the burglar panicked and ran away for good. The burglar took with him her watches amounting to thousands of pesos. During the police interview, she blamed their practice to leave the house door unlocked for the convenience of late arrivals from work and the absence of a pet dog which could stand guard at night. She regretted for having no police and emergency numbers available on hand.”

It’s unfortunate that the crime rate is on the rise anew with the coming holidays.  But with every story shared, we can learn a lesson or two to protect ourselves from these street crimes.  This blog will share prevention measures in its succeeding issues the Christmas season nears.

Stay safe always.