Industrial Hygiene and Work Environment Measurement - the Critical Link

Any seasoned occupational safety and health (OSH) professional knows that detecting occupational health hazards such as noise, illumination, temperature, heat stress, humidity, airborne contaminants, and other hazardous substances, would need much more than the usual human senses of sight, hearing, and touch. It would need the use of measuring instruments not only to detect but also to determine levels of concentration in the workplace. Here is where the field of industrial hygiene and the practice of work environment measurement assist OSH officers to detect and even calculate levels of workers’ exposure to such hazards.

Industrial Hygiene and WEM Defined

Industrial Hygiene is defined as “the science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace, which may cause sickness, impaired health, and well-being, or significant discomfort among workers or among the citizens of the community”. The field uses environmental monitoring and analytical methods to detect the extent of worker exposure and employ engineering, work practice controls, and other methods to control potential health hazards. One of the major detection methods used in the Philippines is WEM.

Work Environment Measurement or WEM is defined by Rule 1077.02-03 of the OSHS, as the sampling and analysis carried out in respect of the atmospheric environment and other fundamental elements of the working environment for the purpose of determining actual conditions therein. It includes temperature, humidity, pressure, illumination, ventilation, the concentration of substances, and noise.

IH, WEM, and People360

Many productions use and generate a lot of materials that can be hazardous to workers’ health but are necessary inputs to the production process. An OSH professional would do well to identify and detect such hazards and keep them at levels that will not harm or cause harmful effects on the health of workers. People360 Consulting Corp provides such IH services. Accredited by the OSHC-DOLE, People360 is allowed to conduct WEM through various sampling and measurement methodologies on Categories 1A (noise, vibration, illumination, and heat), 1B (dust, heavy metals, organic solvents, acid, and other chemicals and gases), and 1C (general and local ventilation).

People360 procured its WEM equipment from reputable sources abroad. Its technical staff are trained and are continuously trained in the use of such equipment and the interpretation of results. These equipment include:

- Lux Meter – to measure illumination of the work area;
- Psychrometer – to measure temperature and relative humidity;
- Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer – measure temperature or heat stress;
- Integrated Sound Level Meter – to measure noise;
- Gas Detectors – to measure parts per million (PPM), the concentration of various toxic gases;
- Air Sampling Pump – to measure a number of gases at the same time;
- Anemometer – to evaluate ventilation, air movement, the performance of Local exhaust Ventilation, and Air Change per Hour

After conducting an effective sampling and measurement using these equipment, the (IH) team then sends these to People360's very own IH Laboratory. The People360 IH Lab then analyzes these samples, providing fast and accurate results using state-of-the-art analytical instruments.

These two teams ensure the timely delivery of the clients' needs and requirements, hence providing better solutions for their companies and their people's health and safety.

But more than the measurement results alone, People360 can assist companies with recommendations to improve work environment conditions if results are below par with the necessary standards, local or international. With its commitment to providing Safety for Every Juan, People360 delivers OSH services beyond compliance to help its partners in safety achieve their businesses’ success while maintaining the health and welfare of their people.


Basta Safety, People360!