What is Permit to Operate?

Permit to Operate (PTO) is a certification granted to a facility or establishment which passed the evaluation and inspection of the Department of Labor and Employment or DOLE.  It is categorized into different equipment depending on the type being applied for. The issuance of a permit to operate is highly technical because it is part of the mandate of the DOLE to enforce OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH in the workplace.

Is there a need to secure a permit to operate? Indeed, the answer is a big YES! Why? Several reasons include the effective administration, enforcement, and implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS), specifically in the conduct of technical safety inspection in industrial establishments, those engaged in INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES, AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES, OIL REFINERIES, STEAM, GAS AND CONSTRUCTION SITES, provided the construction is carried out for INDUSTRIAL USE, as well as the basic safety provisions in the operation and use of mechanical equipment such as boilers, pressure vessels, internal combustion engines, elevators/ man lift/ dumbwaiter, power piping lines, crane and hoist, and turbines as well as electrical wiring installations. 

We, at PEOPLE360 Consulting Corp., have efficient and dedicated staffs that are ready to serve any company which needs assistance especially in securing permits to operate.

Here is the DOLE’s checklist of requirements needed in securing a permit to operate: