My Encounter With Modern Day Heroes

By S. S. Suarez

Call it serendipity. I happened to bump into two modern day heroes in a span of one month.  They are Nathaniel “Mang Tani” Cruz and former Isabela Gov. Grace Padaca, part of the famous troika of the late Sec. Jesse Robredo and former Pampanga Gov. Among Panlilio, advocates of good governance.

I am not going to lie. I was star struck when I saw them in person.

Mang Tani is now the face of weather forecasting being at the helm of GMA Weather News. He is the Amado Pineda of our times who was the only television weatherman in the 1970s and 1980s.

Mang Tani’s credentials are not puny. A meteorologist by profession, he was the former spokesman and director of PAGASA.  He left the country in 2010 to work in Darwin, Australia as weatherman. He came back to his motherland equipped with new knowledge and skills gained from a first-world country.

I had the chance to meet the down-to-earth and unassuming Mang Tani in a Christening ceremony last weekend. Asked about his newfound role as the network’s weather expert, he always wanted to promote public awareness on typhoons and climate change.  Realizing the tasks at hand, Mang Tani practically breathes and thinks of weather forecasts 24 hours a day. No wonder why friends and colleagues alike tease him as the “most in-demand” person in the newsroom today.  Despite the busy schedule, he found time to share his knowledge before a group of safety officers.

This September, he will host “Hamon ng Kalikasan” the latest offering from GMA News TV.  The science magazine program aims to educate viewers about the natural phenomena happening around the world.

Ex-governor Grace Padaca is a petite but courageous woman. Despite being physically challenged, she defeated a political dynasty to create reforms in her beloved province towards good governance.

I would always remember that chance encounter with Ms. Grace as I would like to call her. It was the day after the body of the late DILG secretary was found under the sea. As the nation grieved over the loss of an exemplary servant leader, I never thought I would bump into one of his closest allies. What a privilege and honor!

Ms. Grace, together with Sec. Jess and ex-priest Among Ed formed the Kaya Natin Movement, an alliance of private citizens and government leaders who advocate good governance.  This group believes in the Filipino people’s capacity to change for the better. They launched the Caravan of Good Governance which tours around major schools and universities throughout the country to raise awareness about good governance among the youth.

I always believe that events in our lives happen for a reason.  And this chance encounters are no exception. I bumped into Mang Tani and Ms. Grace while I was just beginning my own advocacy through this safety blog. May they continue to influence millions of Filipinos with their advocacy. May they continue to inspire those who believe that good things will happen in this country if good people will work together.

Like Mang Tani and Ms. Grace, there are many modern and unsung heroes who live among us. Just look around. One does not need fame, authority and money to do an honorable thing. It reminds me of the movie “A Few Good Men”. Lieutenant J.G. Daniel Kaffe played by Tom Cruise said to the dismissed Marines, “You don't need a patch on your arm to have honor.”

In our own little way, we can have honor. By following simple traffic rules, paying the right taxes and exercising our voting rights wisely, we can promote good governance and leave a lasting legacy to our children’s children characterized by honor and integrity.


[caption id="attachment_438" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The author and Ms. Grace[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_440" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The author's family with Mang Tani[/caption]