Behavior-Based Safety (BBS)

 Behavior Based Safety (BBS), is a process that informs management and employees of the overall safety of the workplace through safety observations. BBS is intended to focus workers' attention on their own and their peers; daily safety behavior. The BBS program’s goal is to improve the employee safety of the organization. Organizations use audits or inspections to reduce the number of injuries, and compliance with their policies and procedures. BBS focuses more on observable safety-related behaviors, rather than on whether people are following rules. Once a risky behavior is

identified, employees analyze system and environmental factors influencing the risky behavior, brainstorm improvements, and then use future observations to verify those changes.

The Basics of an Observation

In implementing a BBS program, employees who are observers are trained to conduct on- site safety reviews on other employees with an eye on their behavior. These observers record safe and unsafe behaviors, and noting safe and unsafe workplace conditions. The observer then shares the findings with the worker and provides feedback, as positive feedbacks are encouraged.

The Behavior Based Safety Checklist 

Organizations who implement a BBS program determine the appropriate list of behaviors to observe based on the unique behaviors and risks of their organization. Safety professionals usually develop a checklist format that is easy and quick for observers to complete in the field and lists the target behaviors.

How to know if BBS program is working

Organizations focus on analyzing observation metrics such as percent safe, with the goal of increasing the number of percent safe observations.

The origins of BBS stem from Applied Behavior Analysis. This discipline focuses on organizational aspects directing and motivate peoples' safety-related behaviors.


Source: HOP.aspx?admgarea=ht.BehaviorBasedStudy&Page=2 video