Back to School Survival Kit Guide

It’s June once again and it’s back to school for most kids at this time of the year. Aside from the essentials of a child’s school items, it is a necessity to pack their emergency bags or “Go Bags” as well.

JICA, or Japan International Cooperation Agency, has recently released a Survival Kit Guide on its project with CITYNET and the City of Iloilo. The project aims to share Japan’s experiences on community preparedness among students and residents.

Among the items included in their Survival Kit Guide:

  • Water
  • Food (easy to open/energy bars)
  • Beddings (blanket, mats)
  • First Aid (elastic bandage, gauze pads, antiseptic, disinfectant)
  • Medication (for fever, flu, cough, diarrhea, maintenance medicines)
  • Hygiene Kit (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary napkins)
  • Others:

    • Flashlights and batteries
    • Battery operated radio and spare batteries
    • Whistle
    • Garbage bags, ziplocks
    • Important documents (birth certificate, IDs)
    • Spare cash
    • Emergency numbers


JICA is a governmental agency that coordinates Official Development Assistance for the government of Japan, which aims to contribute to the promotion of international cooperation as well as the sound development of Japanese and global economy.

The K in K-Kit stands for KABALAKA - KAhublagan sa Barangay para sa LApnagon nga KAhandaan, or Movement for Community-Based Disaster Preparedness.

