World Day for Safety and Health at Work (April 28, 2019)

People360’s first and foremost advocacy is the safety and health of the Filipino worker. And People360 has since joined in celebrating World Day for Safety and Health at Work thru activities like talks, ESH-themed family day and other initiatives from its ESH committee like weekly leaflets that People360 staff and the community are made aware of.

The ILO marks the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on the 28th of April to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases globally. It is an awareness-raising campaign intended to focus international attention on emerging trends in the field of occupational safety and health and on the magnitude of work-related injuries, diseases and fatalities worldwide. In many parts of the world, national authorities, trade unions, employers' organizations and safety and health practitioners organize activities to celebrate this date. The theme for 2019 is “Safety and Health and the Future of Work”.

The observance of this event has two main objectives: 1) to promote, enhance, and instill national awareness and appreciation on the importance of occupational safety and health; and 2) to elicit the cooperation and support of the workers, employer’s professional groups and especially the general public in upgrading the quality of life in the workplace.

The official World Day on 28 April 2019 will only be the beginning of worldwide events and activities to continue throughout the rest of the year, around the theme of safety and health and the future of work.
