A workplace safety inspection is a planned event in which the workplace is inspected to identify potential hazards. It is the best way of proactively identifying hazards before causing an injury.

Who can do a workplace safety Inspection?

Anybody can do a workplace inspection. Ideally, an inspection would involve an experienced or competent person from the area or a certain line e.g production area/line. More often, it is the Safety & Health Representative or Safety Officer and Supervisor of the area. At least one of the team should be independent of the specific area.

Method of workplace safety Inspection

Workplace inspections use a checklist to help identify hazards. Using the checklist and looking at the area of concern is the best way to go about doing an inspection. Once hazards are identified, solutions or action plans are required to be put in a place to ensure the hazard is controlled.

After each inspection, the dates on the Workplace Safety Inspection Schedule are to be adjusted as required before it is printed and displayed in the safety bulletin board as very visible, a reminder of the next inspection due date is also highlighted.

Inspection Checklist

There are number of checklist depending on the type of area being inspected. These checklists include a detailed list of items to inspect; however, it is recommended that you modify the checklist to make it more specific to your area or operation.

Here is a typical checklist for General, Common and Office Area

(Download Checklist)