Do's and Dont's of Corporate Outings

Company outings are outlets for employees and business owners alike to unwind and build team performance. These also help improve worker motivation and relationship between employer and employees. Below are some suggestions for an enjoyable but safe company outing:

  • Come mentally prepared as a team - It is indeed a sojourn away from the routine life, but do remember that this outing requires you to bond with the team members and work together as a group.
  • Wear comfortable clothing - The team building undertakings that are conducted require you to do a bit of running and prancing about. To feel at ease and improve the efficiency of the task given, it is recommended that you wear comfortable clothes.
  • Follow the instructions of the facilitator - The programmes of the outing are custom made beforehand keeping a certain agenda of building team morale and enhancing employee skills in mind. Hence, when the facilitator is giving some instructions, however trivial or illogical it may seem, do pay heed and follow them. They only mean well.
  • In case of any injury inform your operator first - As majority of the activities undertaken would require some kind of physical movement, it is best that you inform of any injuries that you are suffering from prior to the operator. Also do let them know if you are suffering from any ailments like asthma, low blood pressure or anything similar. Special arrangements will be made accordingly.
  • Be with your team; inform your whereabouts - With your corporate outing, you would mostly be going to unfamiliar places. Also, the group activities require the presence of all the team members. You do not want to waste time with people looking for you.
  • For a beach outing, take sunscreen or a cap - The sun, sand and the beach make for quite a delightful experience. But the last thing anyone wants is to bring back home an ugly sun burn which takes a long time to come off. Be smart; carry a sunscreen along with you. If you are one of those who cannot take the constant rays of the sun, carry a cap with you too.
  • Avoid interacting with people you don’t know, security matter - In unfamiliar surroundings; it is best that you stick to familiar faces. Avoid interacting with people that you do not know unless really necessary.
  • Be a sport - Don’t be a grumpy team outing Grinch. Get into the jovial atmosphere and be a sport. Remember that you have to interact with the same faces for a really long time. You might be a bit apprehensive at first but once you get into the element of the activities, you will realize that they are actually fun.
  • Things to carry should be clarified beforehand - Depending upon the nature of your company outing, you would require carrying certain things along. Be prepared; do clarify all what is required beforehand itself (jacket, caps,sunblock, etc.).
  • Carry a first aid kit while travelling - Hopefully, nobody is going to get hurt during the team outbound. But just by some random chance if someone does get injured on the way or while engaging in the activities, it is always handy to carry a first aid kit. Individual medical kits are a must, especially if you require certain medications. But it is also reassuring if the company would provide a medical kit for the team outing. This should include some medicines for headache, nausea and fever too.
  • No littering in the place - Think of the team outing setting as an extension to your home. Avoid littering in around these beautiful places. It may not be possible to spot a dustbin in natural settings like beaches and trekking trails. But carry a bag with you beforehand to dump all the garbage. This can be disposed later.
  • Have fun - and most importantly, these team outing excursions are held to get you out of your routine and to have a great time. Enjoy the picturesque scenery, get to know your team members better, play the games provided with enthusiasm. Make most of the experience and delight in every moment of it. Have fun!

