World Health Day 2019


April 7, 2019

World Health Day is celebrated each year to mark the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 and to raise awareness about a public health priority.  One of the focuses of this year’s World Health Day 2019 is advancing Universal Health Care (UHC) as one of the key targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Over the past decade, countries in the WHO Western Pacific Region have made significant health gains and increased commitments to advance UHC. The Regional Committee of the Western Pacific has agreed that countries should develop UHC road maps based on 5 attributes of high-performing health systems: quality, efficiency, equity, accountability, sustainability and resilience.

This campaign aims to help people better understand what universal health coverage means – what services and support should be available and where.

The campaign also presents an opportunity for ministers of health and other government decision-makers to commit to taking action to address gaps in universal health coverage in their countries, as well as to highlight progress that has already been made.

