
Light is one of the most important resources to develop our civilization. Light influence our everyday life, even the other species need a light to live. We cannot deny the fact that because of light, the dark place become visible.

Moreover in our workplace, we need the appropriate amount of light to work well without harming our precious eyes.


Understanding the light in our workplace….

What is Illumination? 

Illumination is the amount of light that reach the location of a certain workstation or workplace. The required amount of light differs from every activity and work.

Why we need to measure the illumination on the workplace?

  • It’s important to measure the illumination on the workplace, because this is the way to determine if the lighting fixture designed in a room are performing as computed;
  • It is not easy to achieve the proper amount of Lux in different activities without considering the measurement, careful planning and activity involved on the specific location.
  • Most of all measurement is needed to avoid the effect of bad lighting like Eye Strain, Headaches, and Frequent Accidents.


Illumination Measuring Instrument

Lutron Light Meter LX-1128SD Serial no. Q961171 LX – 1128SD

  • Sensor: meet C.I.E. spectrum, 2 filters

Measures up to 100,000 lux



There are required standard illumination per activity and work. (Refer to OSHS Rule 1075.4)


The quality of lighting in a workplace can have a significant effect on productivity. With adequate lighting workers can produce more products with fewer mistakes, which can lead to a 10-50 % increase in productivity. Good lighting can decrease errors by 30-60 % as well as decrease eye-strain and the headaches, nausea, and neck pain which often accompany eyestrain.

Adequate lighting allows workers to concentrate better on their work which increases productivity. The level of lighting that workers need varies depending on the nature of the task, the sharpness of the workers’ eyesight, and the environment in which the work is done. For example, detailed work, such as inspection, assembling of small parts or technical drawing, needs a great deal of light. Coarse work, on the other hand, such as loading or unloading materials, handling of materials or packaging, requires less light.


Good lighting in the workplace promotes:

  1. A reduced risk of occupational accidents and health problems;
  2. Better concentration and accuracy in work;
  3. A brighter, cleaner workplace resulting in a more active, cheerful environment;
  4. Improved work performance;
  5. Better visibility, improved accuracy and increased work speed enhancing production.
It can be easy to improve lighting without increasing the number of light bulbs, light fixtures or the electric bill. Improved lighting can be achieved by using more daylight, by changing the position of light sources or workstation layouts and by effectively using reflected light.
