Info Series No. 3: Safety Officer/s


Who is a Safety Officer?

A Safety Officer or SO for short, refers to any employee / worker trained and tasked to implement OSH programs in the workplace.

What are the duties and responsibilities of Safety Officers?

SOs have the following duties and responsibilities (Sec. 14, DO. 198-18)

  • Oversee the overall management of the OSH program in coordination with the OSH committee;
  • Frequently monitor and inspect any health or safety aspect of the operation
  • Assist government inspectors in the conduct of safety and health inspection at any time whenever work is being performed
  • Issue Work Stoppage Order (WSO) when necessary based on the requirements and procedures provided by the OSH standards

The safety officer shall be required to undergo the prescribed DOLE-BOSH training orientation or course, advanced OH training courses, and/or other OSH related training or learning as necessary in the effective performance of its duties and responsibilities.

Safety officers engaged in micro and small establishments, low to medium risk, shall be engaged in safety programs including other tasks designated to him/her by his/her employer.

Safety officers engaged in micro and small establishments, low to medium risk, shall be engaged in safety programs including other tasks designated to him/her by his/her employer

What are the categories of Safety Officers?

SOs now have four levels, to indicate trainings obtained as well as minimum years of

What are considered as advanced/specialized OSH trainings?

Sec. 16 (Safety and Health Training) identifies the following examples of trainings considered as advanced/specialized:What are considered as advanced/specialized OSH trainings?

  • Industrial hygiene;
  • Safety audit;
  • Accident investigation;
  • OSH programming; and
  • Chemical safety

However, under the previous accreditation system (which still holds true today unless specifically amended) other trainings considered as advanced/specialized are:

  • Loss control management;
  • Confined space safety;
  • Work environment measurement;
  • Industrial ventilation