World Water Day 2019

World Water Day is an international observance and an opportunity to learn more about issues on water, held annually every March 22. The theme this year is “Leaving No One Behind”, an adaptation of the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a target to ensure availability and sustainability of water for all by 2030. A timely observance in today’s staple news in Manila, it first came about at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. It was then designated as the first World Water Day in 1993 at the United Nations General Assembly.

World Water Day is an opportunity to learn more on water related issues, be inspired to tell others and take action to make a difference.

We can get involved with the campaign thru sharing or adapting the materials thru social media, or being proactive and organize an event or join one.

Let us all learn how to conserve and value the water we have. Water, after all, is essential for life. Without water, we will not survive.

