Materials Handling

  • Material handling involves short-distance movement within the confines of a building or between a building and a transportation vehicle. It uses a wide range of manual, semi-automated, and automated equipment and includes consideration of the protection, storage, and control of materials throughout their manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, consumption, and disposal.Material handling can be used to create time and place utility through the handling, storage, and control of material, as distinct from manufacturing, which creates form utility by changing the shape, form, and makeup of material.

>  Materials Handling refers to any method for moving materials

By People

By People using Machines


Materials Handling Accidents

  • NSC study, 20% to 25% of all injuries in business & industry
  • ILO, 20% to 50% of work accidents are attributed to Materials Handling


Manual Handling

  • Overexertion - 28% of all reported injuries


Common Causes of Injuries

  • Lifting Heavy Load
  • Lifting with your back muscles
  • Twisting at the waist while lifting
  • Over-reaching
  • Lifting or carrying objects with awkward or odd shapes.
  • Working in awkward, uncomfortable positions . . .


Proper Lifting Technique

Safe Lifting

  • STAND close to the load
  • Bend your knees - not your back
  • Let your legs do the lifting
  • Get Help
  • For Heavy Load
  • Use the right tools
  • Point Feet Towards Direction of Travel
  • Protect Hands and Feet!
  • Use Proper PPE


Control Measures

  • Decrease the weight of materials
  • Decrease the distance of travel
  • Decrease the No. of repetitions
  • Use of Lifting Equipment


Classification Material Handling Equipment

  • Lifting Equipment
  • Earth Moving
  • Personnel Lifting or Carrying Equipment
  • Others


The Golden Rule of Lifting

Lifting will not Commence Unless:

  • Assessment of Lift is Completed and lift method and equipment determined by competent person
  • Operators are trained and certified
  • Riggers are trained and certified
  • Lifting devices and eqpt certified
  • Load does not exceed capacities of equipment
  • All safety devices are operational
  • Lifting devices and equipment examined before each lift by competent person


Rules for Safe Operation

  • Rule #1 Do not carry or use crane beyond the rated load
  • Rule #2. Never move load over people
  • Rule #3. Never allow personnel to ride on a load
  • Rule # 4. Center the crane over the load before starting to lift
  • Rule #5. Use tagline to stabilize and control loads
  • Rule #6. Respond to signals from designated signalman only



0 to 50

Over 50 to 200



Over 200 to 350 20
Over 350 to 500 25
Over 500 to 750 35
Over 750 to 1000 45