National Cancer Prevention Month

National Cancer Prevention Month is another cancer awareness month to raise awareness and prevention from the deadly disease. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, the following is recommended for lowering your cancer risk:

  • Limit consumption of red meat and avoid processed meat
  • Increase physical activity
  • Get regular medical care
  • Avoid tobacco products

There are many ways you can take part in raising cancer awareness and educating others, some of which may include:

  • Talking with your family and friends about cancer risks and ways they can reduce their risk
  • Posting cancer related educational materials on social media sites
  • Taking part in or organizing a fundraising event in your community to support cancer patients in your area and to promote National Cancer Prevention month

Making healthy choices such as eating natural foods, increasing your level of physical activity and making other wise lifestyle changes is a great place to start.  If your risk of developing cancer is higher due to a strong family history of cancer, you should make sure you are receiving regular screening.  Some of the cancers that have screening tools in place are breast cancer, melanoma (skin cancer), prostate cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, to name a few.  Talk to your doctor about other important screening tests that may be available to you.

