Fire Safety (at home)

March has not even started (March being Fire Prevention month), yet a slew of fires has been erupting across the nation since the start of 2019. Fires are the leading causes of home injury and death. According to BFP, the top 3 causes of fire in the country are faulty electrical connections, lit cigarette butts, and open flames from unattended stoves. Most victims of fires die from smoke or toxic gases and not from burns.

It is important to teach everyone at home how to escape a late-night fire. These tips can help you spot fire hazards in your home.

Fire Prevention Strategy

  • Keep a fire extinguisher near the kitchen and have it checked yearly. Learn how to use it. Put out food or grease fires in a pan with a lid or another pot.
  • Teach children safety rules for matches, fires, electrical outlets, electrical cords, stoves, and chemicals. Keep matches and flames, such as candles or lanterns, out of the reach of children.
  • The goal of fire prevention is to educate the public to take precautions to prevent potentially harmful fires, and be educated about surviving them.

Conducting Family Fire Drills

Know the emergency number (in the Philippines, 911 for the National Emergency hotline, (02) 426-0219, (02) 426-3812, (02)426-0246 for BFP)

  • Remember to get out first if there is a fire, then call for help once safely outside.
  • Teach children who are old enough to understand to stop, drop, and roll if their clothing catches on fire so they can help put out the flames and avoid serious burns.
  • Let children help plan a fire escape route. Choose a meeting place outside the home where everyone will gather, and be sure they know never to go back inside a burning building.
  • Teach children to always keep stairways and exits clear of furniture, toys, and other obstructions that could slow your escape.
  • Practice using your escape route in family fire drills at least twice a year.
  • Practice what it would be like to escape through smoke by getting down on hands and knees and crawling below the smoke to the nearest exit. Cooler air will be near the floor.
  • Once kids have mastered the plan, try holding a drill while everyone is sleeping.

