Ways to Stay Safe at a New Year's Eve Party

  1. Choose wisely.
Not all New Year's Eve parties are created equal. Vet your options by seeking those hosted by companies with experience and at venues with good reputations.
  1. Scout your surroundings.
Make sure your fete's site has plenty of exits, multiple rooms and multiple stairways if there's more than one level. Places that are fire traps and fire hazards often look like they are fire traps and fire hazards. If your eyes tell you to leave, listen.
  1. Dress appropriately.
High heels may be part of your annual New Year's Eve uniform, but if you're going somewhere outdoors (like an outdoor concert), or are even anticipating a significant walk from the car to the event, flat, closed-toed shoes are your best bet.
  1. Come prepared.
What you put in your body and carry with you before departing is important to think through, too. Will you need to take medications during the hours you're gone? Do you need to take them with food and water? Even if you're medication-free, sufficient pre-party hydration is important for everyone.
  1. Self-regulate.
The key is moderation and pacing yourself.
  1. Be aware.
"If you see something, say something" is a catchphrase worth taking seriously. Look for anomalies in the environment, such as behaviors that seem threatening or abusive. Do not hesitate to take care of your own safety immediately, and then to also alert someone who can intervene. Noticing such anomalies, as well as protecting yourself from becoming a crime victim, means keeping your head up – not locked in on your smartphone.
  1. Make a transportation plan.
In addition to practicing moderation, be sure you have a safe transportation plan ahead of time, keeping in mind that some roads may be closed and cabs booked.


Note: adapted from https://health.usnews.com/wellness/articles/2016-12-29/9-ways-to-stay-safe-at-a-huge-new-years-eve-party