Use machinery only if you’re authorized, trained, and alert.

Always use the appropriate tool for the respective task.

Clean your tools and keep them in good working order.

Organize your tools and don’t be careless; someone could easily slip or get hit due to a misplaced object.

Always ensure that the operator of a machine sees you; never approach from behind or from a blind side.

Do not perform a task unless you’ve been trained and you are aware of the hazards as well as how to mitigate/eliminate them.

Never leave machinery running unattended.

Never remove safety guards that are in place to protect you and the surrounding area.

Obey all operating instructions.

If something is wrong, stop the machine immediately and get assistance.

Communicate your location and process to those around you, so they’ll know where you are, what you’re doing, and when they need to be getting out of the way.

Never walk in front of a forklift, tractor, or any other heavy machine; the operator may not have seen you—and, even if he has, there’s always room for error, so make sure that error isn’t you being trampled.

Always read labels and instructions alerting you to potential dangers and hazards.

Unless it’s your job, never tamper with electric controls, cords, switches, or other such hazardous items.

Dress properly and compactly: billowing, loose, or hanging clothes and accessories (ties, earrings, bracelets, loose sleeves, etc.) may easily get caught up in moving parts. At best, the offending objects may be destroyed; at worst, they could ruin the machine or severely hurt you.

Never insert fingers or any other objects that don’t belong into moving machinery.

Turn off machines and equipment before you even consider cleaning, un-jamming, oiling, adjusting, or moving them.
