World Quality Day (November 8, 2018)

Reputations are built on trust. Trust is a hard-earned commodity, yet one which can be squandered in a moment. Therefore, in 2018, we are celebrating the role that everyone in an organisation plays in building and sustaining trust for all stakeholders: customers, suppliers, staff, regulators, shareholders and society.

Hardly a day goes by without reading about quality failure and its impact on the customers and stakeholders of organisations: Grenfell, Facebook, Kobe Steel and BMW to name a few. These stories beg two questions. Firstly, about organisational competence and Secondly about organisational integrity.

The quality management profession is about helping organisations put in place competent systems to ensure that the activity of an organisation consistently delivers on its promises to customers and stakeholders, an assurance framework to help the organisations understand operational risk, and an improvement framework to mitigate it and improve.

These systems of governance, assurance and improvement combined with your culture of quality are your investment in trust and reputation. The quality profession is your business partner in enhancing trust in your organisation.

Chartered Quality Professionals are the people who support and develop quality competence and culture using their unique view across the organisation and its stakeholders, and their unique skills in establishing systems of operational governance, assurance and improvement.

World Quality Day (#WQD18) is your opportunity to celebrate the achievements of your team and organisation, and recognise those that uphold trust to sustain and improve performance every day of the year.

