Safety Tips for UNDAS

Safety Tips for UNDAS

As Filipinos prepare to pay respects to their dearly departed, the government issued several crime prevention and safety tips for the long weekend.

It issued the following tips for those leaving their homes to commemorate "Undas:"

  • Lock all doors and windows and ensure all possible paths to the house are blocked;
  • Install a burglar alarm to alert the neighbour’s if someone breaks in;
  • Do not leave notes outside the house indicating you will be away; keep some appliances like the radio on to give the impression someone is still inside the house;
  • Ask a trusted neighbour to keep watch over your house;
  • Ensure no candle, gas stove or leaking faucet or plugged appliance are left unattended;
  • Secure all items such as clothes being hung out to dry.

Inside the cemeteries:

  • Bring sufficient food and water, and keep in mind that liquor and food sold by vendors inside cemeteries are prohibited.
  • Bring protection against heat and rain.
  • Do not bring deadly or bladed weapons, loud speakers, and gambling paraphernalia.
  • Closely watch items brought inside cemeteries and make sure the candles you bring will not cause fires.
  • Remind children not to roam around especially in crowded areas. Have them wear or bring a form of identification.
  • Keep the surroundings clean and bring your own trash bag to put garbage in.
  • Know where the first aid stations and PNP assistance booth are in case of emergency or need for police assistance.
  • Always bring an umbrella, drinking water, food, hand towels, and fans; and wear light clothes to prevent heat stroke.
  • Avoid food being sold in cemeteries. The Department of Health warns that the risk of food poisoning and diarrhea is high in food sold in cemeteries.

When traveling:

Before the trip, make sure the vehicle is roadworthy, and follow the "BLOWBAGETS" rule:

B - Battery

L - Light

O - Oil

W - Water

B - Brakes

A - Air

G – Gas

E – Engine

T – Tire

S - Self


  • Bring all pertinent documents for the vehicle, including the Insurance Certificate.
  • Make sure the doors are locked and the windows closed especially if children are joining the trip.
  • Ensure control of the vehicle at all times. Avoid one-handed driving or using a mobile phone; avoid driving while drunk or sleepy.
  • When driving at night, always use headlights and signal lights. Don't drive when you have poor eyesight.
  • If you do not live too far from a cemetery, don't bring your car so as not to add to traffic.

When taking public transport:

  • Don't wear jewelry or bring large amounts of money. Keep watch over your mobile phone.
  • Do not bring too many items.
  • Be early at airports and seaports especially in the case of women, children and senior citizens.
  • If you see a suspicious package, or someone acting suspiciously, notify authorities.
  • Be wary of snatchers and petty thieves, and report incidents to the nearest Police Assistance Post.


