Food Safety Awareness

Pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 160, s. 1999, The Proclamation seeks “to create public awareness and to educate people on food safety in order to reduce and ultimately eradicate food poisoning and other foodborne illness which in some cases resulted in death.” The observance led by the Department of Health (DOH) in collaboration with other government agencies, draws attention to the risks and effects of improper and unsanitary food handling and their serious effects on the health of the people. It aims to provide information to the public about the proper handling of food, cleanliness in the places where food is stored, prepared, and cooked, as well as the cleanliness and personal hygiene of the food handler.

Filipinos are food lovers. Apart from the fast food chains that are mushrooming in many places nationwide, the proliferation of rows of street food vendors and sari-sari stores that sell packed or canned food items in almost every block and barangay attests to this. The DOH says it imperative that all food handlers and food sellers, from restaurants to homes to street food sellers, must maintain cleanliness to ensure safe food for the consumption of their customers and patrons.

Food and water-borne diseases, according to the DOH, are “a group of illness caused by any infectious (bacteria, viruses, and parasites) and non-infectious agents (chemical, animal, and plant toxins).” The common causes of these diseases include unsafe sources of drinking water, improper disposal of human waste, unhygienic practices like spitting, blowing, or picking one’s nose, and unsafe food handling and preparation practices.

According to the World Health Organization, there are Five Keys to Safer Food, and these are: “keep clean,” “separate raw and cooked,” “cook thoroughly,” “keep food at safe temperatures,” and “use safe water and raw materials.” Keeping these five keys will help to significantly reduce, if not eliminate, the incidence of food poisoning and other food and water-borne diseases that can have serious and long-term effects on society – particularly on children and the elderly, and on the country’s socio-economic development.
