Quality is Our Motto

For companies which use heavy equipment and other lifting devices, third party testing is a very important strategy to ensure that said equipment will do their jobs efficiently and effectively without any property damage and or human losses.


Load Testing is a key phase of any third party testing. It is the physical testing of a lifting device to determine its structural and mechanical integrity. It is an important safety procedure that will determine if the equipment is indeed capable of holding its load capacity. It is followed by a visual inspection after the load is released (for possible cracks, defects and other deformation on the equipment), since overloading can cause damage to the equipment itself. This method makes use of test weights, preferably calibrated to ensure that no such overloading will occur. However, if no calibrated test weights are available, the other option is the use of calibrated load cells. People360 Consulting Corporation has always been committed to deliver optimum load testing services, which is why we make use of quality and calibrated equipment that will give safer and more accurate readings. We have been using for sometime now, the Ron 2501 Wireless Shackle Type Dynamometer, a lightweight, portable scale made up of high strength, aerospace quality, alloy steel for load cell bodies and load tests. Following the British Standards 7121 Part 2 which states that a test weight should be accurate with ±1%, Ron 2501 has an internal mechanism ensuring accurate readings, plus an improved fatigue resistance level which is why it has been used over the years by companies such as NASA, Boeing, GE, Lockheed Martin and other Fortune 500 companies.

The use of this equipment actualizes our steadfast commitment to provide quality services.

We would be truly happy to assist you in load testing your equipment. Or perform other third party testing required by the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS). Call us now. We look forward to being your premier Safety Partner. Below is our contact details:

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Landlines: (02) 362-0566; (02) 366-9448 loc 360

Fax: (02) 411-3360

Mobile Nos. : (0922) 835-7455; (0925) 733-7360