The DTI/DOLE Interim Guidelines for the Workplace Protection on COViD -19

The DTI and DOLE Interim Guidelines on Workplace Protection and Control of COVID-19 were established to help private institutions develop health protocols and standards in their operations during quarantine periods, either on an ECQ or GCQ conditions.

Employers and workers have respective responsibilities.

Employers have to put in place company policies in consultation with workers; provide resources such as masks, soap, sanitizers, disinfectants, PPEs including test kits, etc. to protect workers; designate the Safety Officer who will monitor measures in place; enhance health insurance provisions; hire from the local community; if feasible, to provide shuttle service and/or decent accommodation to lessen travel and people movement, and provide COVID hotline to symptomatic suspect COVID workers and daily monitoring scheme of “suspect” COVID workers.

Workers, on the other hand, are enjoined to follow all workplace measures for COVID; observe proper respiratory etiquette; cough and sneeze into tissues or to sleeves if no tissue is available; dispose of tissues properly and disinfect hands through soap and water or alcohol sanitizer immediately after sneezing or coughing.

Employers may test workers for COVID 19. Testing kits used and procured shall be the responsibility of the employer. The appropriate  DOH protocols and guidelines should be followed in the testing and interpretation of results. Again, policy on COVID testing should be agreed upon by both employers and workers in accordance with the DOH protocols.

Employers are also required to report work accidents/illnesses to the DOLE on a monthly basis using the appropriate form, Work Accident/Illness Report (WAIR).