People360’s 2017

Last December 28, 2017, People360 held its 2nd and last Fire Drill for the year. The first one, which took place last March, was likewise a success with the full cooperation of the employees. 2017 was indeed a blast for People360. Aside from numerous conventions attended here and abroad (among the notable ones, International Quality Conference in Okada Manila, and World Congress for Safety and Health at Work held in Singapore), many trainings internally and externally were conducted for the improvement of the company and its team of exceptional people. Additional accreditations, People360’s training arm OSHMS360 holding its first international training at Papua New Guinea, awareness campaigns, CSR activities, and of course, a Halloween party and the annual Christmas party for its people are just some of the many memorable activities for the company for the year that was.


2018 started great as well, with the company’s IMS application in progress. Gearing up for a business excellence recognition, People360’s application for the PQC (Philippine Quality Challenge) awards is well on its way and hopefully, will soon be realized for the company. Added to that is a line up of activities for the year that is greatly anticipated by its employees . New year, new beginnings, new challenges to encounter. But as our quality mentors Dra. May and Dr. Pete Gatchalian instill in us, “SUGOD” for a more brilliant future for People360!