People360 is Now a Registered Logo!

by Anna Tubelonia

certificate of registration People360 Consulting Corporation has successfully registered its logo with the distinctive red and orange globe of people linked together and the words "People360" under it as its own trade or service mark.

The rounded shape of the people linked together signifies the company's intent to safeguard people as key assets of any organization. The circle also signify a never-ending cycle as in the mathematical concept 360 degrees. The concept of protecting people is further repeated in the text "People360" below the circle.

According to the issuing office, the Bureau of Trademarks, a trademark is an effective communication tool; It can conveys People360's attributes, reputation and service quality. Used properly, it can become the company's most valuable asset as it represents its continuing efforts to provide quality services which customers can easily identify with. The company hopes that people will associate People360 to OSH services, in the same way that "Colgate" is associated with toothpaste or "Coke" to carbonated drinks.

And as customers associate the logo with the company and its quality services, the greater will be People360's motivation to continually improve its services.

People360 Consulting Corporation will not rest on its current laurels.