People360 at the ASPPI Event


People360 recently attended the Association of Safety Practitioners of the Philippines, Inc. (ASPPI) event titled, “2nd Disaster Management Forum” last December 1, 2017, held at the OSHC.  ASPPI, the only organization of DOLE accredited OSH professionals in the Philippines, is a non-profit organization with members employed locally or internationally. And People360 is a proud member of the association. With members totaling to over 2,500, the event is, without a doubt, highly received by the participants.  Headed by ASPPI’s current president Sir Michael Arguelles, significant names in the OSH industry are also present in the event.

In attendance to the said forum are Engr. Carolein Licay, head of People360 Consulting Division, and consultant Ms. Rodelia Mabanta-Distor.  People360 head of Marketing Ms. Evelyn Barbin, and Ms. Jeanne Cruz, account manager, also participated in the event.